Official Facebook Listing

This is a list of Official LIBC Facebook Pages. For up to date information about specific programs, events coming up, pictures, you can access the departments FB page. For questions or concerns please contact the General Manger's Office

Lummi Communications

Lummi Communications Facebook Page: Most up to date general community events, council meetings, emergency closures.

Office of the General Manger

Specific events and updates related to the services offered from LIBC.

LIBC Human Resources

Job opportunities and job postings

Lummi Youth Social Services

Lummi Youth Wellness Center - Before and After School Program, Youth Athletics

Lummi Youth Academy - Student life at the Dorms at LNS

Lummi Family Services

Commod Squad

Lummi Victims of Crime

Little Bear Creek - Elders Retirement Living Facility

Lummi Tribal Health Center

Lummi Fitness Center

Lummi Nation Education

Lummi Early Learning Programs

Lummi Nation School K - 12

Johnson O'Malley Program - JOM

Lummi Harvest Management

Lummi Planning and Public Works

Lummi Behavior Health Project AWARE

Lhaq'temish Foundation

Lummi Nation Stommish Water Festival

No Child Pages

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