Lummi Nation Job Center:
Kwenangets Dept. Director

Job Details

Job Title
Kwenangets Dept. Director
Open Date
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Job Summary
The future success and wellness of the Lummi Nation depends on the wellness and education of our children, and on the rehabilitation of the adults who are recovering from addiction and/or returning from incarceration and in need of help along their personal path to wellness. The Kwenangets Dept Director reports to the LIBC General Manager and is responsible for the administration of the Child Welfare Program, Re-entry Program, and Child Support Program services. The Director is responsible for implementation and coordination of directives adopted by LIBC Resolutions and delegated or directed by the Lummi Code of Laws in Titles 8 and 11. The Director must develop and maintain an integrated system of services for adults, children and families involved in a Lummi Court, while at the same time managing diverse teams of employees who are in highly scrutinized and stressful jobs. Team building and accountability are the management cornerstones of the Directors duties and expectations. The Director coordinates services and develops inter-governmental relationships and agreements with other Native Nations, Washington State, and Federal agencies, while also reporting regularly to the Lummi Nations elected leaders and the General Council on the successes and challenges facing the Department, and the services the Department delivers. The primary goals of the Kwenangets Department are the safety of Lummi children who are in need of protection and/or support, to guide adults to a path of rehabilitation, and to establish new services and continually improve as an organization that promotes and provides trauma informed client centered services to the Lummi Community and Lummi Nation members everywhere. This position supervises services and staff that work 14 hours a day and 7 days a week, so the Director must be available on weekends and after normal working hours.

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