Job Summary
The Lummi Law and Justice Commission has been established to develop and
monitor the implementation of the operational policies for the Lummi Law & Justice, and Judicial
Divisions. The Law and Justice Commission exists to insure and provide for primary law
enforcement and judicial services for the safety and protection of the Lummi people consistent with
community needs and standards. The law and justice and judicial services provided by the Lummi
Indian Nation are available to all Native Americans and other persons, residing, visiting, or in
transit across any or all portions of the Lummi Reservation, consistent with Lummi Nation laws,
ordinances, and policies. Operational and development policies created for the Lummi Nation law
and justice system must be consistent with is service population.
The Lummi Law and Justice Commission shall be the advocate to preserve the federal government's
trust obligation to provide law enforcement and judicial services for our people as provided in the
Treaty of Point Elliot of 1855. This will be accomplished by developing, monitoring, and enforcing
policies in coordination with the appropriate LIBC policies. The LIBC operational and development
policies insure that professional law enforcement and judicial services are available to all tribal
members and enable development of Lummi Nation's law enforcement and justice systems
consistent with the Lummi Nation's needs.