Lummi Nation Job Center:
Culture Resource Protection Commissioner (LCRPC)

Job Details

Job Title
Culture Resource Protection Commissioner (LCRPC)
Open Date
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(Until Filled Not Entered)
Job Summary
Commissioners shall serve indefinite terms until such time as the Commission recommends removal and LIBC approves removal of a member. Upon such removal the Commission shall nominate and LIBC shall appoint another person. Included in the membership shall be the Sche’lang’en Department Director and other enrolled tribal members nominated by the Commission to LIBC. Meetings of the Commission shall be held at regular monthly intervals as established by the Commission. Emergency meetings may be held upon twelve (12) hours actual notice and business may be transacted proved that no less than a majority of the full commission concurs in the proposed action. U’ qw’e’shenet-lh e tse texw ekw-nachewech tse mekw skweyel. Tse snehanget e tse nexwlemi elhtalngexw. u’qw’e’shenet-lh tse xa’xa’ tengexw e tse mekw’ elhtalngexw chse alhe ti’e xwlemi. i’ tl’el ekwost tse snepeneq e sqile-st e tse mekw shench tse che’eweng kweyel-se. qw’e’shenet e tse xwlemi elhtalngexw tse schelangen e tse kweyel-se. se’it u’ tl’i e tse elhtalngexwqen. ni’ yesost e tse snehanget e tse xwlemi elhtalgnexw, tse sxwole, tse schi’aq, tse emni’eng, mekw stang. Yesosteng e tse soyeq’, yesosteng e tse emni’eng i’tl’el e tse esq’aplh, chiselqen e tse yesost e tse selalexw-le tse qw’e’shenet, i’ nepeteng e tse eng-inges-se.

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