IT Security

Information Technology Cybersecurity depends on everyone and you are on the front line of our defense!

IT Security

All Lummi Indian Business Council (LIBC) information technology users, including employees, contractors, interns, students, volunteers, and any others who have access to LIBC information resources, must review this Information Technology Security Awareness (ITSA) pamphlet. New employees will review this pamphlet during their employee orientation training. Please use the link buttons in the left column or the text below to reach the topic subsections.

If you have any questions please contact the LIBC HelpDesk by phone 360-312-2036 , by email or by using the online help request form by clicking here (preferred).

Information Technology Security Awareness pamphlet

  • This document will be used during new employee orientation as well as for other information technology related security awareness account operations.
  • This document covers the basics and provides details on reporting cyber security related incidents and how to reach the HIPAA Privacy Officer if necessary.

Information Technology How to Spot and Avoid Common Scams pamphlet

  • This document will be used during new employee orientation as well as for other information technology related security awareness account operations.
  • This document covers the basics and provides details on how to spot and avoid common scams.

Information Technology Share Your Information With Care pamphlet

  • This document will be used during new employee orientation as well as for other information technology related security awareness account operations.
  • This document covers the basics and explains the cautions that should be considered when sharing private information on the internet.

Cyber Security Incident: What is it?

An incident is the act of violating an explicit or implied security policy.

These include but are not limited to:

  • Attempts (either failed or successful) to gain unauthorized access to a system or its data
  • Unwanted disruption or denial of service
  • Unauthorized processing or storage of data
  • Changes to system hardware, firmware, or software characteristics without the owner's knowledge, instruction, or consent

We encourage you to report any activities that you feel meet these incident criteria. It is our policy to keep any information specific to your systems confidential.

Cyber Security Incident Reporting Online Form

  • This is an online form that enables individuals to quickly submit the details of a cyber security incident. Please submit this form anytime you feel that an incident may or may not have occurred. Do not feel uncomfortable with making a report, often the first sign of an issue is the most important.

Cyber Security Incident Reporting Printable Form

  • This is a printable version of the online form. Use this form if you are having difficulties with the online form or prefer to submit a written report. Feel free to hand write or type your responses and submit the form using the method you are most comfortable with.

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