
Available Documents

There are 4 documents currently available in the Realty portion of the website.

Mission Statement: The Mission of the Realty Division is to preserve, promote and protect our Sche Lang en by administering the Trust Management Programs for the protection of the land base for the benefit and wellness of our community in accordance with the policies and procedures of the Lummi Nation and Code of Federal Regulations.

Lummi Reservation MapLummi Reservation Map

India Love, Administrator Realty Services (360) 312-2339

Tanesha Lane, Probate Specialist (360) 312-2346

Renae Stanley-Hillaire, Realty Assistant (360) 312-2333

Cori Rummel, Leasing Technician(360) 312-2129

Rachel Phair, Leasing Technician (360) 380-6652

For more information please go to the following sites provided below:

DOI Whereabouts Unknown

Tracing American Indian Ancestry

What is a Probate

American Probate Reform Act Fact Sheets


25 CFR 151- Land Acquisition

25 CFR 162 - Leasing & Permitting

25 CFR 152 - Sales, Exchanges & Conveyances of Trust or Restricted Land

25 CFR 169 - Rights-of-Way Over Indian Lands


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