Healthcare Business Office
Main LIBC Line: (360)312-2000
LIBC Emergency Hotline: (360)380-6998
Phone Numbers:
(360) 312-2285
(360) 384-2336
The goal ofthe Lummi Health Business Office is to work together as one to Preserve, Promote and Protect our ScheLangen. The mission of the Lummi Healthcare Business Office is to raise the health status of the Lummi people, other American Indians and Alaska Natives to the highest possible level. To carry out this mission, we will provide quality assurance on all healthcare billing & coding, process all medical payments for eligible Contract Health Services (CHS) patients, decrease the number of uninsured patients, and assure efficient use of Federal, State and Local resources.
Healthcare Business Office Department EmployeesHealthcare Business Office Department Employees


Healthcare Business Office Phone Numbers

Contract Health Services (aka Purchased & Referred Care)

CHS Screeners (Patient Billing Statements)

Violet Perkins, CHS Screener (360)312-2465................A-M, Peacehealth Hospital

Charlene Hillaire, CHS Screener (360)312-2482..............N-Z, Peacehealth Medical Group

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CHS Claim Adjusters & Processors (CMS 1500 & EOBs)

Sharon Johnson, CHS Supervisor (360)312-2485..............N-Z (All copayments, coinsurance, & deductibles)

Peacehealth & St. Joseph's Hospital (w/ins.)

Michelle James, Claims Adjuster (360)312-2483...............All Hospital, NEP, NW Rads, South Sound (no ins.)

Raydean Bob, Claims Adjuster (360)312-2465....................A-Z (no insurance) & Vision

John Scott, Claims Adjuster (360)312-2112........................A-M (Copayments/Coinsurance/Deductibles)

CHS CardsCHS Cards

Tribal Assisters Program

Do you need help with signing up with health insurance? Ask about WA Apple Health (Medicaid) or our Sponsorship Program. Having health insurance is very beneficial to have at all times. Please feel free to come and speak to one of Lummi's Tribal Assisters.

Becki Finkbonner, Tribal Assister Supervisor............................(360)312-2474/cell: (360)393-1435

Audrey Stephens, Tribal Assister/Sponsorship Lead..............(360)380-6933

Regina Miller, Tribal Assister/Benefits Coordinator................(360)384-7160

Judy Warbus, Tribal Assister @ Lummi Counseling Services....(360)384-7174

Rena George, Tribal Assister Trainee............................................(360)312-2196

Medicare & Medicaid Dual CoverageMedicare & Medicaid Dual Coverage
Do you need to order a new Medicare Insurance Card?Do you need to order a new Medicare Insurance Card?

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