Multi-Hazard Mitigation

Available Documents

There are 47 documents currently available in the Multi-Hazard Mitigation portion of the website.

Lummi Nation Tribal Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan

The Lummi Nation Multi-Hazard Mitigation Plan (MHMP), which was developed by the Water Resources Division under the direction of the Multi-Hazard Mitigation Team, identifies eleven natural hazards that endanger lives, property, and cultural and natural resources on the Reservation: Flooding, Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Severe Winterstorms, Windstorms, Coastal Erosion, Drought, Wildfires, Landslides, Volcano Eruptions, and Tornados.

The MHMP analyzes the vulnerability and potential losses caused by each hazard and formulates a mitigation strategy with specific mitigation actions for each hazard. The plan also provides information about already completed mitigation actions and current programs.

The first Lummi Nation MHMP was adopted in 2004 and was the first standard state-level (as opposed to enhanced state level) plan approved by FEMA for all state and tribal governments in the United States. The 2004 MHMP was subsequently updated in 2007, 2010, 2015, and 2020. The 2020 update of the Mitigation Plan is available below and in Available Documents. A copy of the public notices for the 2020 update of the Mitigation Plan is available below, as well as a copy of the Lummi Nation Floodplain Management Plan: 2023 Progress Report, which is based on the 2020 MHMP and part of the annual recertification under the Community Rating System (which are available in Available Documents).

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